Changing Inside Out

Writing an essay on Dodd and his kerygmatic outline on Acts

Posted on: 11/22/2010

Take home tests are not an easy A.   My intro to the New Testament Professor gives some of the hardest tests I have had.  The essay question is the last part of the test.  I have to list the 6  views Dodd had of the book of Acts and then  discuss them….whoa.   It has been really difficult but I have learned from it.

I have learned to understand that the early church thought the end of days had come.  Though they were skeptical about Jesus being the messiah, his ascension helped to convince them.  When they heard the words  “seated at the right hand of God”  it convinced them of his true authority and his being the Messianic leader of the new Israel.  The day of Pentecost further satisfied them of this fact.

The thing was, they believed that the wrath and judgment of God was at hand, so they focused on evangelizing the world.  They believed that their new king was about to set up his earthly kingdom and free them from the oppression of the Roman Empire.  Is that why the word talks about “seeing through a glass darkly?”

Jesus told the disciples that it was not for them to know the day or  hour of his return, that God alone knows that.  However, they believed it would be in their life time.  He also said that he would give them signs to know that the coming was at hand.   I guess the bottom line is just this, we don’t know when it will happen, just that it WILL happen.

So is it not smart to be prepared for his arrival?  The early church had that part right.  They went to work and spread the gospel to the world as they knew it in anticipation of the coming king.  Should we not follow suit and not be caught off guard?

Its been an interesting study.  Cant wait for next semester and intro to the Old Testament!

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